Dr. Andrzej P. Kądzielawa

Theoretical Physicist and Professional Human
Andrzej P. Kądzielawa


Andrzej Piotr Kądzielawa (Kraków, Poland & Ostrava, Czechia) is a theoretical physicist and HPC specialist.

He earned his PhD in Physics in Prof. Józef Spałek's group at Jagiellonian University (Kraków, Poland) in 2015 with summa cum laude honors, following his development of an original quantum chemical method (EDABI), applied in the theoretical condensed matter physics. This included high-performance computations on the elecronic structure of solid insulating and metallic hydrogen, as well as the statistical and qualitative analysis of large quantities of results.

He is a co-author of high-performance computational library Quantum Metallization Tools (qmt) and an author of generic framework for mapping density functional theory output onto the Heisenberg model JorGpi.

Since 2011 he works and teaches at Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University (cf. Teaching section). He coordinated acquisition of computational cluster for Department of Condensed Matter Theory, which he administers ever since. In September 2018 he became reasercher in Modeling for Nanotechnology Lab at the National Supercomputing Centre IT4Innovations, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic).

Starting January 1, 2020 he is the Principal Investigator of GAČR standard grant No. 20-18392S Tailoring thermal stability of W-Cr based alloys for fusion applications (cz. Modifikace teplotní stability slitin na bázi W-Cr pro aplikaci ve fúzních reaktorech).